30 Sept 2017

Art News: apexart Open Call for Group Exhibitions 2018-19

apexart has been making people think for more than 20 years with innovative and unique approaches to programming. Fewer politics and more transparency resulting in more meritocratic and provocative exhibitions in NYC and around the world.

apexart exhibitions are selected from hundreds of anonymous proposals by an international jury of more than 200 people. Who you know doesn’t matter, the quality of your idea and how well you communicate it does. When an exhibition proposal is selected for apexart’s program season, it means that the idea is seen as compelling and worth developing by a large diverse jury that wants to see it transformed from a proposal into an exhibition.

apexart exhibitions feature works about everything, from anywhere, by anyone. If you follow what we do, you might discover something new or end up contributing to our programming.

In 2017, Animal Intent explored creature creativity, Promises to Keep presented performance art by women Pakistani artists, and Fellow Travelers explored the intersections of science fiction and migration narratives. apexart has also held exhibitions in places like Tarrafal, Cape Verde – examining histories of post-colonial prisons in Glimmer of Freedom – and Tbilisi, Georgia – probing the legacy of Soviet Cosmonautics in Illegal Kosmonavtika.

apexart awards a budget of $10,000 to each selected exhibition and its related programming, and organizers receive a $2,000 honorarium for coordinating the project and writing the exhibition essay.

Proposals for group exhibitions in our NYC exhibition space will be accepted from October 1-31, 2017.

To learn more about how to submit your 500-word exhibition proposal, visit apexart.org/opencalls.php.

Art News: apexart Open Call for Group Exhibitions 2018-19, apexart.opencall.nyc18, https://apexart.org/images/rochester/press/cantor.jpg

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