29 Nov 2016

Protect Your Home Interiors

Many of you are aware that I also write on art in interiors, decorating spaces, and discuss ideas on home décor. As part of this, I am always on the lookout for innovative products that are beautifully designed, can be utilized during the construction process or offer design and sustainable solutions to the consumer.
Protect Your Home Interiors, Pidilite Bloggers Meet at Acetech Bangalore, Dr Fixit Waterproofing Expert, Art Scene India
One of the issues that often comes up in every home is linked to water seepage and leakage, which can result in damp patches, mould spots and leaks in parts of our home. This can be an unfortunate situation due to inadequate waterproofing in buildings and houses. Waterproofing may sound like a mundane requirement or a chore that must be completed somehow. But, believe me it is a necessary step absolutely crucial during the stage of construction to ensure that your house remains waterproofed. Now when you are investing so much in constructing a house and doing up the interiors, apart from the financial commitment you are also investing time and effort in a home in which you and your loved ones will live for years. The last thing you want is a house that gets easily damaged due to leakage and seepage of water from the ceiling, walls or floor. It therefore makes sense to invest in a high quality waterproofing option right at the construction stage.
Protect Your Home Interiors, Pidilite Bloggers Meet at Acetech Bangalore, Dr Fixit Waterproofing Expert, Art Scene India
I often talk about how to buy and display art, how to build an art collection and tips on decorating with art and artefacts. Much of this is really interlinked with waterproofing as well. For instance, if any one of the surfaces that you have an artwork in contact with or in close proximity to is damp, it can be disastrous for your valuable art. And as you know, moisture and dampness can damage artworks irrevocably thereby affecting their investment and resale value.

Similarly, damp environs can be a huge issue for your interiors in general. Furniture, artefacts and accessories and more importantly the health of your family is also affected. Allergies and respiratory problems can multiply manifold in a damp environment, when mould can grow and spread diseases.

Waterproofing at the construction stage itself is the best way to deal with this problem. Ideally, waterproofing should be done when the building is under construction so that the foundation, ceiling, walls, floor, bathrooms and storage tanks are waterproofed appropriately. Also, while renovating remember to implement waterproofing. Again, if there is any seepage later on, waterproofing can still be done to fix the problem. Fortunately, it costs only a fraction of the total cost of the construction; therefore there is no excuse to not implement it.

It is important that you utilise the best quality waterproofing solutions offered by Dr. Fixit. Sub-standard products will not last for long and will cause more problems for you.
Protect Your Home Interiors, Pidilite Bloggers Meet at Acetech Bangalore, Dr Fixit Waterproofing Expert, Dr Fixit Mobile App, Art Scene India
You could also use the Dr. Fixit’s updated mobile application, a user friendly interface to find out what are the various options available to you, and in fact you can also get in touch with them on the contact details that are mentioned on the app itself.

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