25 May 2015

Art News: Presentation on "The art market and the Bangalore visual art scene"

"The art market and the Bangalore visual art scene" at BIC on Thursday, 28th May, 2015 at 6.30 PM.

Bangalore International Centre
(A TERI Initiative)
cordially invites you to a Presentation on
The art market and the
Bangalore visual art scene
Nalini Malaviya
Well-known Art Consultant, Writer and Blogger
Thursday, 28th May, 2015 at 6:30 pm
Tea will be served at 6.00 pm

Bangalore International Centre
Phone: 98865 99675
Venue details
Bangalore International Centre
TERI Complex, 4th Main, 2nd Cross, Domlur II Stage,
Bangalore – 560 071
About the Presentation
An orientation to the visual arts scene in our city, the presentation will provide an overview of the art market in the Indian context with a look at gallery functioning and some of the factors involved in pricing of art. It will include tips on buying art, and on displaying artworks and maintaining them to prevent damage. The art market will be explored further through the art scene in Bangalore, and will look at some of the public and private spaces in the city that one could visit to view art exhibitions, learn about art and buy art. The session will conclude with a brief mention of select Bangalore based artists, who have made significant contributions through their work.

About Nalini Malaviya
Nalini Malaviya is a Bangalore based art consultant, writer and blogger. She has been writing for the media since 2003, and has been an art columnist for Financial Times (Delhi and Bangalore) and Bangalore Mirror. Nalini writes primarily on visual arts, but has also written on health and lifestyle. She has contributed to Times of India, Femina and several other publications including art magazines and catalogs. Some of her prefatory essays for art catalogs are 'Irreverent Gene', curated for Crimson Art Gallery, 'Feeling Absence' a photography show by Shibu Arakkal, ‘Icons in our Midst’ a group show at Artspeaks India, New Delhi, ‘Sounds, Resonance and Imagery’ on musical drawings by Suresh Nair, and several of Yusuf Arakkal's catalogs and books.
An occasional fiction writer, Nalini has published short stories as part of anthologies, such as, The Shrinking Woman, The Curse of the Bird and Bhelpuri. She publishes www.artsceneindia.com, a popular blog cum Ezine featuring art news, events and articles. The website functions as an artist resource and also promotes artists. Currently, she is working on creating an eBook from her published articles.

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