18 Nov 2014

Art in Interiors: Painting a Wall

An entire wall painted with a mural can be the highlight of any décor scheme 

The impact of a single large artwork in interiors is well recognized as it can dominate any space and set the tone for the entire décor. There are two ways to go about it - one can either display a very large painting on a wall to cover it completely and make it a centerpiece. Or, one can treat the wall as the canvas and paint it directly. The impact of a painted wall, essentially a mural is definitely more striking. It is therefore important to choose the right wall for this purpose, for instance, it should be prominently placed so that it can easily become the highlight of the décor scheme.
Art in Interiors, Mural by artist Bharati Sagar,  Image courtesy artist, Art Scene India
Once the wall is decided, it is essential to choose the theme and the artist with care to ensure best results. There are artists who specialize in doing murals and it would be a good idea to get in touch with one. The paint materials which are used for a mural have to be selected such that they can be sustained over the years, and the painting remains fresh and undamaged. The advantage in commissioning an artist is that the residents can participate actively in the concept, design and details of the artwork.

Art in Interiors, Mural by artist Bharati Sagar, Art Scene India, Times of India-The AddressAn uncluttered wall will display a mural to its advantage, however one could even have the wall behind the television painted with a mural as most of the seating is directed towards it. On the other hand, a mural on a wall directly in front of an entrance, such as a bedroom or a children’s room will work, as long as it is conspicuously placed. Once an entire wall is painted, it is important to not clutter it with more artworks, especially paintings.

The lighting of the mural also requires care so that every detail and nuance gets accentuated effectively. More than one spotlight may be necessary to cover the entire mural. Again, lights must be chosen so that they do not harm the colours of the painting.

This article was published in The Times of India-The Address recently. 
Image courtesy artist Bharati Sagar

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