10 Jul 2014

Artist Profile: Anil Kumar Simhadri

This week we profile Anil Kumar Simhadri, an artist based in Vadodara. Anil studied Printmaking (MFA) in 2011 from Khairagarh and BFA in 2009 from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He is a recipient of HRD national scholarship for young artists, New Delhi and Arnawaz Vasudev scholarship, Bangalore.
Anil Kumar Simhadri on Art Scene India
Anil explains, "The lingering thought of not having freedom to choose what I want and what I do not want seems to be haunting me. In fact this is what makes me create images, live and move on. I am trying to depict life’s conflicts and struggles on people’s faces. Perhaps it is the lack of freedom or not having enough courage to face the reality around me that becomes a source and force to construct my images."
You can view more of his works here
Art Scene India now features artists on a regular basis. If you wish to be profiled on artsceneindia.com, please send in your submissions according to the UPDATED guidelines listed under Submit.

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