15 May 2014

Artist Profile: Devajyoti Ray

This week we profile artist Devajyoti Ray, whose cinematic works hold you captive and mesmerized as you struggle to keep a finger on the exact moment of life that a particular work seems to depict. Moment is what his works are all about. A particular glance, a sudden smile, a pondering look - infinitesimal moments that make our life so meaningful. A moment that is capable of telling an entire story.
 Art by Artist Devajyoti Ray profiled on Art Scene India, Image courtesy artist
Born in 1974, Ray has been associated with the Kolkata art scene for long time, working closely with and following some of the doyens of Bengal art, though never enrolling for academic degrees. A keen sense of learning had given him a different kind of edge as he freely mixed ideas from various fields into art, something that was not very popular then, but today has many followers. In 2004, Ray came up with a new style which immediately attracted the attention of the academic world – pseudorealism. He has since then exhibited in many countries and has been represented in several galleries, fairs and state museums.
Art by Artist Devajyoti Ray profiled on Art Scene India, Image courtesy artist
Pseudorealism is a popular genre of art today and Ray’s works in this particular style is well known. But what many do not know is that, Ray also makes collages, installations, photographs as well, many of which are highly political and with clear socialist leanings. His series of “Transmigration of Soul” depicting figures from history and their contextualization in the contemporary reality has been very popular. One such work presently exists in the Havana Museum of Fine Arts.

Art Scene India now features artists on a regular basis. If you wish to be profiled on artsceneindia.com, please send in your submissions according to the UPDATED guidelines listed under Submit.

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