21 Apr 2014

Displaying Art in Home Interiors

Displaying art requires some creative effort and skill to spotlight the art and alter the dynamics of the space, writes art consultant Nalini Malaviya

Imagine having a large painting hung in the corner of a room, which is dark and dingy and one has to scan the entire space to find it, in such a situation is there any point in putting up an artwork? For all practical purposes the painting is invisible and serves no point. The intention of an artwork is to alter the dynamics of the space by introducing form, colour and a focal concept, while adding a new visual dimension. Hence, displaying art in a particular space requires some creative effort and skill to ensure that not only the art is highlighted but the entire space benefits.
Royale Play Metallic for Staircase Interior by Asian Paints, Image courtesy Asian Paints


  • Framing a traditional work of art such as a painting or drawing is one of the ways to demarcate the artwork and to highlight it. Black minimal frames, ornate and gilt frames, wide frame borders and mats are just some of the options in various materials which can be used for framing. Depending on the size, medium and colours in the painting the frame must be chosen accordingly. It is important to select a frame that visually complements the artwork, is made of good quality material and does not appear cheap.
  • Using colour as a means to highlight the artwork is another trendy option, where either the entire wall or a square/ rectangular frame behind the artwork serves to draw attention to the art and integrate the space in its entirety. This can actually have a vivid effect, especially if colours are chosen appropriately to be in harmony with the painting. 
 Paints for Bedroom Interiors by Asian Paints, Image courtesy Asian Paints


If there is insufficient lighting, the nuances in the artwork are lost and tend to recede to the background. Therefore spotlights on the artwork can make a huge difference in highlighting the work. This is true for all kinds of artworks whether they are paintings, sculptures, murals or even installations. Direct lighting which can heat the artwork should be avoided as it can be damaging, especially in the long term.

This article was published in The Times of India-The Address recently. 
Images are sourced from the Internet.

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