31 Mar 2014

Artist Profile: Manisha Vedpathak

This week we profile Manisha Vedpathak,a contemporary Indian artist, who currently lives in Ghana, West Africa. Being a self taught artist, her images have evolved over the years from realism to abstraction. Her background in Engineering helps her with composition and shapes. Manisha reveals,“My paintings create positive vibes and bring the viewer the sense of joy I feel when painting them. It is a shared feeling and I am glad when my paintings become doors through which my audiences can visit worlds of fantasy and reverie”.
Painting by Manisha Vedpathak, Artist Profile, Art Scene India, Image courtesy artist
Verve...The Energy
The earthy colors used in Manisha's paintings not only connect her emotionally to her Indian origins but also depict the warmness of the African continent where she now lives. Having lived in Ghana for over a decade, the influence of Ghanaian culture and art will be seen in her art.

Manisha participated in the Art fair held in Accra and she has also featured in the November 2013 issue of the magazine “Women in Art278”, which is dedicated to showcase Women artists from around the globe and in the Janaury 2014 issue of the“Indian Talent Magazine”, an online magazine showcasing Indian artists.
Painting by Manisha Vedpathak, Artist Profile, Art Scene India, Image courtesy artist
Painting by Manisha Vedpathak, Artist Profile, Art Scene India, Image courtesy artist

You can view more of her works here.

Art Scene India now features artists on a regular basis. If you wish to be profiled on artsceneindia.com, please send in your submissions according to the UPDATED guidelines listed under Submit.

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