8 Feb 2014

Artist Profile: Mini Arora

Mini Arora is an abstract artist, whose roots lie in India. She was brought up and educated in England, and lived many years in the US before returning to her homeland. With this cross cultural migration, she has dealt with a lot of 'in-betweeness'. Her work reflects this diaspora.

The issues of identity and not belonging recur in her paintings, but goes further than that of culture, and deeper into the notions of man and his identity in this life, which usually begins with a search for spirituality - 'for the ultimate level of consciousness, the hidden psyche, the perfect spirit or state of bliss'.

She works from her inner consciousness, and uses a palette knife to create rich layers of texture. She says, "texture is something that appeals to me; in many of my acrylic and oil works you will notice the profusion of layers to give a rich multiplicity. I want the viewer to peer into my painting to see what lies beneath, as if one were looking into one’s soul."

Expressions by Mini Arora, Image courtesy artistSyncopation 4 by Mini Arora, Image courtesy artistThe Free Passage  by Mini Arora, Image courtesy artist

You can see more of her works here.

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