14 May 2013

Ila Dalmia FICA Research Grant and other opportunities

The Ila Dalmia FICA Research Grant 2013

The Ila Dalmia FICA Research Grant, instituted by FICA with the help of art historian and writer Yashodhara Dalmia in the memory of her sister Ila Dalmia, aims to provide an annual grant to support research on Indian modern and contemporary art. The grant will be for a sum of Rs. 2 lakhs and will focus on encouraging independent research by students and scholars in India.

The application is open to individuals who are committed to researching in the field of visual arts with particular focus on Indian modern and contemporary art. This could include important first-hand research and archiving of art and art historical material, or a critical study of Indian art history, art criticism and practice, or an interdisciplinary analysis of the theory and practice in the visual arts, or studies in the related domains of curation, exhibitions, collection and the art economy.

The recipient of the Grant

  • Will be expected to complete their research within the one year period of the grant.
  • Will be given the opportunity to travel to Delhi and present their paper at the annual Ila Dalmia Memorial Lecture to a public audience upon completion.
Call for applications for the Ila Dalmia FICA Research Grant 2013 will be opened in June 2013. Click here for more details.
EAA 2013
Emerging Artist Award 2013

FICA is currently accepting applications for the Emerging Artist Award (EAA) 2013. The award is presented to young Indian artists who demonstrate extraordinary skill and promise in the visual arts. The EAA is presented by FICA in collaboration with Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council, and Vadehra Art Gallery.The Award includes a 12-week residency in Switzerland and a solo exhibition in New Delhi. 

Deadline for applications is 30 June 2013.
here for more details.
Gwangju Biennale Curatorial Course

Other curatorial opportunities

  • The 5th Gwangju Biennale International Curator Course: Deadline for applications 10 May 2013. Click here for more details.
  •  Japan Foundation invites Indian curators for a 3-week programme in Japan. Deadline for applications is 10 May 2013. Click here for more details

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