25 Mar 2011

Dear Readers,

I'm back to writing a weekly column, every Sunday for Financial Times, Bangalore (it was a fortnightly for the last one year). It will continue to be related to the art market, but will renew focus on the region. Do mail me your feedback and suggestions on nalini(dot)indianart(at)gmail(dot)com.

Pl send me information on events and updates in jpg or bmp format (low res), which are easier to upload on the blog. Pdf files are great if they are just for keeping me informed, but do send another low res jpg file for uploading.

You may have noticed the recent changes on this site in design and layout, do let me have your feedback regarding them.

Incidentally, this is my 820th post since the year 2006... it is your interest in this blog and encouragement over the years that has kept me going...looking forward to your continued support.

- NM

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