7 Mar 2011

Andpersand Creative Hunt

This came in the mail from Andpersand,

On behalf of Andpersand its gives us immense pleasure to inform you that we have completed 5 successful years in India.

Hence on its 50th Issue AND takes a leap forward to match moods with the ever changing creative stream of Luxury Art. &. Is on a grey matter hunt for India’s 32 uber creative souls.

An established and reputed panel will review work of some of the best talent in the country, 32 of these best work would be featured and written about in the issue.

To participate send us your entries to: andpersand@maxposure.in


If you believe you can paint, sketch, click or even doodle like none other, write in to us and look forward to being featured in an upcoming issue of the magazine. The selected works will also be part of a grand exhibition in Delhi!

There are no categories and no rules. The only requirement is to banish borders.
Participate and look forward to being recognised!

  • Send us your detailed profile, including educational and professional qualifications. If you have been a part of any exhibition/show (solo or group), please mention with details.
  • 3 high-resolution (300 dpi, at least 10 inches by 10 inches) images of your work created in the last 12 months
  • A short description of the work being submitted
  • 2 images of yourself; please include one mugshot and one casual shot
  • Contact details must
Last date of receiving entries: March 10, 2011

email to: andpersand@maxposure.in

(Disclaimer: All information on contests/awards are published on this site in good faith. You are requested to make your own inquiries before participation.)

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