15 Sept 2008

Art Buzz "Empty and Full: An Exhibition of Paintings" (Kolkatta)

An Exhibition of Paintings: Empty and Full at AAKRITI ART GALLERY was inaugurated on Tuesday 9th September 2008, with Akhilesh, Amitava Dhar, Manish Pushkale Samindranath Majumdar, Sunil De, Yogendra Tripathi. The above six artists presented in this show have significantly contributed to the contemporary Indian art, with their innovative use of the pictorial language, and have made a new beginning in terms of visual vocabulary. They are eager to explore their artistic tools, a 'terrain' and firmament which in itself seem to be waiting to reveal certain potent images. The method of exploration used by each artist is very distinct.

The Exhibition will be on till 20th September 2008 daily between 12 - 7 pm (Sunday Closed ), Aakriti Art Gallery Kolkata.
View the exhibition online at absolutearts.com

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