13 Aug 2008

Art Shows in Bangalore

(Nalini S Malaviya)

A number of art shows have previewed in the last couple of weeks. The inaugural evening of an art exhibition organised by Mahua art gallery was held at their new premises. The group show ‘Across the Threshold’ exhibiting works by 31 artists from across the country such as Kolkatta, Baroda, Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Sikkim and Shantiniketan presented an interesting range of paintings and sculptures that span different genres, styles and themes. Although, some of the works conform to a familiar pattern that one comes across at most shows in the city, there were a few pieces that offered a fresh perspective. Paintings by S G Vasudev, Yusuf Arakkal and JMS Mani were in their signature style, and so were a few others.

Sohini Dhar’s landscape that follows the miniature art format combines a graceful rendering with a poetic flow. Sharmi Chowdhury’s narratives present situational wit and sarcasm. The watercolours use disconnected images to bring out the absurdity in common everyday events. Tejendra Baoni’s sculpture in bronze and iron is an elaborate and striking piece of work. Yogesh Mahida plays with space to create a high gloss stainless steel architectural piece with bronze pigs climbing up the stairs. An interesting concept.
Venugopal comments on urban issues and environment through mediatic imagery, which is very popular with young contemporary artists today. Romanticism and impressionist style landscapes, elements from folk art and crafts, and surrealism are some of the facets that come together under one roof.

The gallery promises to hold art appreciation and other workshops in addition to regular exhibitions.
(The exhibition continues at Mahua Art Gallery till 16th of August, Sadashivnagar, Bangalore-80)

The other show that I went to celebrates the common man’s love for music. Bangalore based artist S Krishnappa continues his tryst with musicians and their dance, portraying their abundant joy and vivacity. The paintings resonate with rhythm and a lyrical fervour. In an entirely decorative style, the artist combines folk art nuances with a vibrantly colourful palette to paint images of men who celebrate their existence through music. The popular format varies minimally in the various canvasses – the groupings differ as the musicians express their effervescence as they play various musical instruments.

(The exhibition can be viewed till 14th of August at The Hatworks Boulevard, Cunningham Road, Bangalore-52)

(Published in Bangalore Mirror)

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