9 Jun 2008

Smaller artworks more in demand

It appears that size matters when it comes to sale of artworks. Artists who have a penchant for large-sized canvasses are often asked by galleries to scale down their creations. Online galleries in particular find smaller format works move faster than the larger ones. Living in apartments, especially in metros, translates into multifunctional living spaces, which makes it impossible for buyers to display art that is large-sized. Most of the buyers still buy art for its decorative value and for the sole purpose of putting it up on the wall and beautifying the space. Although, recently, buyers have begun to combine art's aesthetic value with its investment potential, the problem of space remains. There are those investors who buy art and stash it in their cupboards and storerooms but one must remember that paintings can get damaged easily. Scratches, tears, mould, insects are just some of the problems that one can face if the environmental and storage conditions are not conducive. Therefore, it is advisable to hang paintings on the wall and availability of space then becomes a crucial element. Smaller-sized works are generally more affordable and that is also another important factor that aids its popularity.
Tikendra Sahu
There are many artists who like to paint on canvasses bigger than 4x5 feet but to find space for them in an apartment maybe a challenge. For instance, Bangalore-based artist Murali Cheeroth who works with very large canvasses feels that he has been getting a very good response for them from his buyers during shows. But, he admits, that an online gallery has approached him and has advised him to come out with a range of smaller works. This, incidentally, can be a challenge for artists who get used to larger-than-life portrayals. On the other hand, corporate offices prefer to go for larger works that can take up a wall. In fact, murals are also popular with corporate set ups. The impact of a large painting, mural or sculpture, is magnified due to its sheer size and it is this very fact that draws the discerning buyer who also has ample wall space.

(Published in Financial Times)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that's true,As a gallerist i have experienced the needful and that so requested, not adviced the artist,You see Nalini, when these young artists are going in demand, their rates in sqr ft is going high at every sale, so buyers are willing to pay their rate in sqr ft, but they are looking their budget as well,remember not every buyer can afford a high amount to buy a work of demand artist,but to complete their collection, they are looking for small size works of those artists.Thanks
    Ashok Nayak
