3 May 2008

Indian Art Summit 2008

Eminent artist Anjolie Ela Menon who is in Bangalore briefly took a little time off from her busy schedule to talk to me about the upcoming India Art Summit 2008 to be held in New Delhi later this year. The summit aimed towards the development and business of art is modelled on international art fair formats. Anjolie Ela Menon explains, “A summit like this is a great idea that will help to bring in all the players associated with the art scene – artists, critics, gallery owners, framers, publishers and others together on a common platform.”
The Art Summit is an initiative by Hanmer and Partners who have been involved earlier with charity art auctions and Anjolie decided to be involved with their proposed summit as she was impressed with their professionalism and their grasp on topics and issues related to art.

To be held at the Pragati Maidan, Delhi in August, Anjolie feels the venue itself will help draw in people from across all strata. According to her, “At art galleries one finds only the elite classes whereas a venue like this makes it much more accessible to all. There are many galleries from across the country participating in the events. Then are seminars planned which will see noted speakers from across the world talk about development and growth of Indian art.”
She feels that the summit will also offer the general public an excellent opportunity to mingle and interact with the artists, which does not happen usually.
With this we come to en end to the conversation about the art summit and discuss a little bit about the investment scene in the country before signing off.

(Published in part in Bangalore Mirror)

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