20 May 2008

Art Bytes

Last week I should have mentioned about the Artes Mundi prize that was recently awarded to the Mysore based artist NS Harsha. UK’s prestigious 40,000 pound award is considered to be one of the largest international art awards. In fact, Harsha beat eight other nominees to win this prize. Way to go Harsha!

Mass Marriage by NS Harsha
Incidentally, you must have noticed that the art scene is kind of quiet at the moment, especially in Bangalore. There are very few shows happening and even fewer that are worth talking about. Well, the summer heat is definitely taking a toll on all of us!

As I write this, the Hong Kong Art Fair (14 – 18 May) – a new annual art fair is going on. Limited edition prints, installations and paintings by world famous artists such as Picasso are available, where prices range from HK$7,500 to HK$275 million! In fact, according to the official website, one hundred galleries from 20 countries are showing thousands of works of art - from Andy Warhol to Zhang Xiaogang. Browsing through the list of galleries, I found a few such as Chemould and Vadehra art galleries from India, but none from Bangalore – at least none that I could spot.
Talking about art fairs, you must have read about the India Art Summit that is being organized in New Delhi in August this year. The event aims to bring together various players, such as artists, critics, galleries, dealers, auction houses, framers, and others who are associated with the art field, on to a common platform. There will be art exhibitions, installations, talks and opportunities to network for the various participants. The first of its kind event in the country, the summit has been planned along the lines of international art fairs and plans to have participants from across the world. Here’s looking forward to that.

Sculpture by Laxma Goud
Back in Bangalore, starting May 17 Gallery Sumukha is organizing a week-long sculpture workshop at its premises with sculptors such as Gopinath S, Jyotsna Bhatt, Karl Antao, Laxma Goud and Venkat Bothsa amongst others. The artists will create sculptures in clay, which will be later cast in bronze. Viewers are invited to visit the gallery and interact with the artists at specified timings. Some of you will remember that in 2004 the gallery had organized a similar workshop in printmaking with eminent artists proficient in printmaking. I happened to miss that workshop but hopefully will be able to visit this one.

Sculpture by Karl Antao

(Published in Bangalore Mirror)

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