19 Apr 2008

An exhibition to die for - literally

I came across the following article in 'The Art Newspaper' and wanted to share it with you. Click on the link below to read the full story and let me know what you think. Do you think it is sensationalizing art or is it a natural extension of creativity? I look forward to your opinions.

- NM

An exhibition to die for—literally
LONDON. The German artist Gregor Schneider is planning the ultimate performance piece: showing a person dying as part of an exhibition. “I want to display a person dying naturally in the piece or...

(Courtesy: The Art Newspaper)


  1. Found this very disturbing. Why cant more artists be happy?

  2. I dont think death is 'beautiful'. It is a very private moment.Looks like this artist is exploiting a dying person in the name of art for his own gains. Just not done.

  3. Anonymous2:49 pm

    We would like you to write for our products on regular basis. Please email us at seema@spacify.com

  4. See the post (May 27) http://indianartscene.blogspot.com/2008/05/till-death-do-us-art.html for my views on it.
