6 Nov 2006

Art Buzz

(All updates are currently for Bangalore)

Image courtesy Artist SG VasudevIn 'Past Forward' one can see artist SG Vasudev revisiting his earlier series such as Maithuna, Tree of Life, He and She, Humanscape, Earthscape and Theatre of Life - the work created over the past four decades. On view from Nov 10 - 23, 2006 at Gallery Sumukha. The exhibition then moves on to Mumbai, Vadodara, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai and Cochin.

Shankar Kendale's figuratives works will be on view at KYNKYNY till Nov 30, 2006.
Anand Bekwad, a young and upcoming artist presents his mixed media works from Nov 11-20, 2006 at Akshana Art Gallery.

Raosaheb Gurav, an artist from Pune exhibits his paintings on rural themes in Gallery G. On view till Nov 7, 2006.

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